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The Sherman Business Report: New hypnotherapy office in Columbus

Jamie Price, a Columbus native, opened a hypnotherapy office in east Columbus on Sept. 1. 

While hypnosis is often viewed through the lens of entertainment media as a comedic routine or a stage magician's trick, the practice began with the work of Franz Mesmer, an 18th century physician, who used hypnosis in the treatment of his Parisian patients. 

"I use a client's relaxed state of mind to work through their subconscious." Price explained regarding the functionality of the practice. "The subconscious controls about 90 percent of our thought." 

Hypnotherapy is frequently used to help clients deal with day-to-day problems, whether those are depression, anxiety, stress, fear or a lack of focus. "I was going to school for massage therapy, but I had terrible test anxiety," she said. "I was looking online for solutions and that's when I first heard about hypnotherapy." 

Hypnotherapy can also be used to help with addictions and personal habit management. A study published by Joseph Barber with the University of Washington School of Medicine reported that 39 of 43 patients who underwent hypnotic intervention for the program remained cigarette abstinent through a follow-up period ranging from six months to three years. 

According to Price, smoking cessation sessions typically take between one and two hours. The initial session begins with establishing the client's personal desire to quit and recognizing and gauging their existing smoking patterns. From there, Price reinforces the desire to quit by bringing the client's focus to the negative aspects of smoking, such as the taste and negative physical impacts, and emphasizing the social benefits of quitting. 

Price received her national hypnotherapy certification through Good Vibes Hypnosis in Dallas, Texas. Hypnotherapists are required by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists to receive continuing education to keep their current practice up to date and to expand their skills. 

Price's office at 118 S. McCrary Road, Suite 127, is open for appointments only.  

Starkville-based Vibe, creator of Glo Light Cubes, has opened an online retail store at 

Hagan Walker and fellow Mississippi State University graduate Kaylie Mitchell started the business in 2015 as a class project and now Vibe has office space downtown and a clientele spanning the country. Their drink light is liquid activated and made from food-safe plastic. The cubes are engineered to glow when they touch liquid and turn off when the glass is empty. 

Finally, construction has begun on the new Walmart Neighborhood Market in Starkville. 

A building permit was issued for the location at 105 Market St. off Highway 12 in northeast Starkville on June 16. According to Chris Wright with Broussard Mechanical, the construction is projected to finish in December, with a grand opening in January. 

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