Institute Of Architects To Host Architecture Week
The Institute of Bermuda Architects [IBA] will be hosting a week-long celebration of architecture, from Monday, October 2.
To encourage interest in the architectural profession and celebrate the architecture of Bermuda, the IBA has organised a series of free events for the public, members and industry associates – beginning on World Architecture Day, on Monday.
This day will be celebrated with an exhibition at Washington Mall, displaying project boards from Bermudian architects and architecture students. The exhibit will take place at the Washington Mall on the Wall of Words between 5pm and 7pm.
On Tuesday, 3 October, in conjunction with the Bermuda National Gallery's Power of Art Exhibit, Bermudian builder and stonemason, Larry Mills, will give a presentation entitled "Bermuda's Vernacular Architecture, Can the Past Inform the Future?"
Bermuda's architecture has come to represent our cultural identity and evokes powerful memories. But has it served its purpose? Can it evolve to provoke new ideas? These and other questions will be discussed at the Bermuda National Gallery from 12pm until 1:30pm.
Industry associates and members of the IBA have been invited to attend a webinar presented by Blum Canada, Ageing in Place, which will explore design considerations relating to mobility limitations, improving work flow, and examining how spatial relationships change as the body ages.
The webinar will be presented by Lucy Traetto, Blum Canada's Dynamic Space Specialist on Wednesday, 4 October, in two showings at the Health Insurance Department, Sofia House, 2nd Floor, 48 Church Street, Hamilton at 12pm-1pm and 1pm-2pm.
For those members of the public interested in finding out more about architectural services and planning permissions, the Department of Planning and the IBA will be holding an Introduction to Architect Services and the Department of Planning. This will take place at Cathedral Hall, Hamilton at 5:30pm-7pm, Thursday, October 5 and is free to the public.
Architecture Week will conclude on Friday, October 6, with a Visually Impaired Architectural Tour and Happy Hour for invited industry associates and members of the IBA.
Visual impairment comes in many forms and navigating the built environment can be daunting. The objective of this tour is to give industry professionals and IBA members an interactive experience with materials, surfaces, time of day perspectives, and aspects of limited visibility.
Additionally, the IBA will have a table at the Gorham's Home Show this Saturday, 30 September between 10am and 4pm. This is an ideal opportunity for members of the public who are interested in using a registered architect to find out exactly what benefit they bring to a project.
Duncan Simons, President of the IBA, said: "We are delighted to be hosting Bermuda's first Architecture Week. It is our hope that the events planned throughout the week-long celebration will raise awareness and appreciation for Bermuda's architecture and architects.
"We also hope to educate the public of the value of using a registered architect when undertaking a building project and we are pleased to be offering the public, our members and industry associates a chance to expand their horizons."
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